This Thursday: Flag Up Your Identity Creative Session at Greenway

Please join us this Thursday for our second event as part of the Bristol DIASPORA! arts festival. Flag Up Your Identity is a chance to get creative and share who you are with your city by making a flag that represents you and your background!

It’s a wonderful chance to get creative together, all materials are provided and there’s refreshments too – everyone is welcome.

DIASPORA! is an arts festival for Bristol and the South West, presented by the Diverse Artists Network.  It’s taking place this year for the very first time, from 3-6 May, and will show and celebrate the wide variety of talent reflected in the region’s underrepresented cultural communities.

We are delighted to be part of this city-wide festival. It’s important that city-wide events include Southmead and the amazing communities here in the North.

Details: Thursday 18th April, from 10am to 12pm, at the Greenway Centre, BS10 5PY.

Do get in touch if you’d like any more info, contact Lucille, email:, or call 0117 950 3335