The Mayor In Southmead

It isn’t often that we get a chance to sit down with the Mayor and tell them about Southmead. But that was exactly what happened last Friday, and boy was he impressed.

On 26th May, after a busy morning on poo patrol with the kids at Little Mead, Mayor Marvin Rees and Cllr Asher Craig – Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Communities – arrived at United Brunswick Church on Wigton Crescent to ask us what was important to us and what they could do to help. With support from our local councillors, Helen Godwin and Brenda Massey, he managed to meet lots of different people from different parts of our community.

Discussions were had about the impact of the closure of council offices like Southmead House and the problem of fly tipping but also more hopeful topics like the work being done with young people and how we as a community are looking at making sure there is enough housing for everyone. We also took the opportunity to tell him about ‘Team Southmead’, an idea that residents can have a direct role in shaping the community plan. Marvin walked away impressed at the resilience and creativity of Meaders!

You can see more of the pictures on our Facebook page. If you want to get involved in ‘Team Southmead’ get in contact with or 07756 908525 or come to our public meeting at 10.30am on the 3rd June at the Greenway Centre.