St Stephen’s is Reopening!

We are delighted to confirm that we will be reopening the church building and begin meeting in person again!  We will begin by opening on Wednesday 9th September for Holy Communion (bread only). This is specifically for the over 70s and other clinically vulnerable people. There will be no young children present during this service.

We then aim to reopen with our normal pattern of worship on Sunday 20th September. Please remember these services will be open to all and therefore will have young children present.

We will have strict hygiene measures in place, a track and trace system and a one-way system.

We still very much exist to serve our community through this time, including food parcels for those in need, prayer support, and even now garden visits. We will keep our Facebook page and website updated. We would love to pray for you or hear from you if you need anything. Please do get in touch.


You can keep in touch with the church through our facebook group – St Stephens Church Southmead

or our website –

Or by contacting one of these people: