Scholarship Success Stories from Orchard School pupils

For five of last year’s Year 11 at Orchard School, the next chapter in their education has been exciting and is paving the way for a bright future.  Lewis Bullock, Emily Holbrook, Max Grant, Nathan Herbert and Steen Maxwell secured 6th Form scholarships at two of Bristol’s leading independent schools, Colston’s and Bristol Grammar.  Scholarships vary – some are related to subjects and in most cases a proportion of the fees are paid.  The quintet have been discussing how the opportunities arose and have given some tips to current students thinking about their options.

Lewis said: “I attended OSB from 2013 to 2018. I am now taking 3 A-levels (maths, biology and chemistry) at Colston’s School sixth form.  I was given a scholarship to the school which means they thought I could benefit the school and the school could benefit me should I go.  I was given the opportunity to be interviewed by the headmaster to see if I was able to attend and to get to know me better in person and luckily I was accepted”.

Lewis was also full of praise for the staff at Orchard School, he added: “For me, the best thing about Orchard was the support circle that I found myself in that consisted of both friends and teachers. Without the guidance of the teachers especially, I wouldn’t be where I am now given that this opportunity of a scholarship was presented to me by a member of staff.  My advice to current Orchard students would be to not worry if they don’t know what they want to do later in life. It’s only the beginning and there’s no point in stressing out over it this early on, just focus on improving yourself in whatever way best suits you.”

Max, who excelled at handball at Orchard School including securing international honours, said: “I attended Orchard School from 2013-2018 and I am currently attending Bristol Grammar School, studying 4 A-Levels.  I received a scholarship from BGS along with a bursary which covered a high percentage of the school fees.  During my time at Orchard the teachers were extremely supportive in helping me to push myself to the best of my ability. I’ also grateful for the effort they made in helping me to choose the best place for sixth form.  My advice for current Orchard students? Don’t stop working hard at school. All of the effort you put in (even as early as Year 7) counts towards you success at the end of year 11 and further. Never say no to any opportunities that come your way, enrich yourself with experiences and make the most of them – it’s worth it!”

Emily said she had been pleasantly surprised by the experience at Colston’s and was enjoying both the learning and the many extra-curricular opportunities. She said: “I’m at Colston’s Collegiate Sixth Form studying A level biology, chemistry and psychology. I’ve been there for 5 months now and it’s been an amazing experience so far.  It was very easy to settle in as everyone was so welcoming and kind. I was very nervous before I went, but it didn’t take me very long to settle in at all which surprised me, I think the supportive teachers and pupils really helped with that.  I was concerned before about the stereotype of a typical private school, but my preconceptions were proved wrong and I wouldn’t change my decision of choosing Colston’s as my sixth form at all. Some of the benefits from going to Colston’s I’ve already found are that the small class sizes mean the teachers can really focus on my requirements as well as everyone else’s and there are many great extra curriculum activities that I can do that will look really appealing to universities when I start applying for them next year.  Orchard School inspired me to get the best grades possible they also found this new opportunity that I had never considered before and then encouraged me to take it and I cannot thank them enough. If anyone has the opportunity to go to Colston’s I would strongly advise it. I’ve made friends for life and I feel this school will help me achieve the best grades possible to get me to my desired university.”

Orchard School assistant head Miss Richards said: “All four students are a credit to Orchard School and we have been delighted to watch their progress in Sixth Form.  They are clearly thriving in their new environments and our staff are always seeking out the best opportunities for our current students.”

Picture: Steen and Lewis recently returned to Orchard School to update Miss Richards on their progress at Colston’s