Enjoying Badock’s Wood this Summer

Everyone we meet thinks Badock’s Wood Nature Reserve is a wonderful place and a real asset for the people of Southmead.

At the moment the fabulous Gromit-themed Badock’s Wood Summer Trail and Quiz, that you can pick up in the Greenhouse Café at the Greenway Centre, is being enjoyed throughout the wood by families and children of all ages.

However, a few people are treating Badock’s Wood badly.  It doesn’t take more than a few to spoil it for everyone else.  So this is just a gentle reminder to:

  • Take nothing but photos – that means no wood, no plants and definitely do not cut down any trees – they are an important part of the nature reserve providing homes for wildlife and future big trees
  • Leave nothing but footprints – that means no litter and definitely no dog poo – especially bags of dog poo.  Don’t give your dogs a bad name!
  • Never light a fire – even a BBQ can cause a fire risk especially in the summer months

If you do see someone doing any of these things do please report it.  You are not telling tales but protecting the nature reserve for everyone to enjoy.

Have a lovely summer enjoying the woods and the wildflower meadows.

Join us in the Autumn for our next events which will include a tree walk, a bat watch, an owl prowl, and an indoor evening dissecting owl pellets.  For more information about these events and how to sign up for them visit our website or use the web contact form to join our mailing list for our free e-news.  Friends of Badock’s Wood – www.fobw.org.uk