Meadows to Meaders Cast as You’ve Never Seen Them Before!

This year Southmead’s Meadow to Meaders Soap Opera has been put on hold because we have joined forces with other drama groups in Bristol to make a cast of 100 people.

Rehearsals are well under way for a production being shown at the Bristol Old Vic of Orpheus and Eurydice. It is one of the most tragic love stories from Greek Mythology and Folklore, and features gods, love, death, poetry, music, and the afterlife.

You will see some familiar faces, as well as some newcomers to the Meadows to Meaders group, who act as Ferry People to transport the dead to The Underworld, and final destination.

Meadows to Meaders scripts are stories of the historical events from between the World Wars and the subsequent development of the Southmead Estate.  They include the trials and tribulations along the way of the people living in the local community.  So, there was a little apprehension amongst the group at first when this new project was discussed, as it seemed very different from what we were used to.  But how wrong we were – our excitement of being involved quickly grew.

As well as humour and expressed emotions, in this version of Orpheus and Eurydice there is mention of various locations in Bristol which the audience can identify with.  Thanks to Adam Peck (who wrote the script), the Greek Myth runs in parallel with modern life, with an added dimension, but is in keeping with the original storyline.  The most important element of this play is Eurydice’s book WIKOL (what I know of love) – a love story which goes on throughout eternity.

We have continuing professional support thanks to Ruth Myers and Carlota Manos from Local Learning. We also have been lucky to have input and support from Director Lisa Gregan at Bristol Old Vic.  Lisa has been boosting our confidence week by week and will see us through rehearsals at the Old Vic until the final performance.

The play will run from the 31st of August to 2nd September, at 7pm. There will also be a Matinee on Saturday 2nd September at 2 pm. Four performances altogether.  Sherrie Eugene-Hart, British Sign Language Interpreter, will be at the matinee on 2nd September.

To find out all about the play and to book tickets click HERE