Would You Like to Help an Adult Learn to Read? Now You Can Because…

A National Charity Read Easy, which has been working in South Bristol since early 2015, is now expanding into areas of North and West Bristol.

This will provide a great opportunity for adults who are English speakers and want to learn to read or simply improve their reading. The Charity is also looking for people who would like to become reading coaches.

It uses a scheme that has been specially designed to be delivered by people who are not trained teachers and therefore the opportunity to become a coach is open to people from a wide range of backgrounds who after an initial day’s training can then become a coach.

So if you know someone who could benefit from improving their reading why not encourage them to start with Read Easy by calling us on 07941 078332.

Read Easy provides a coach who meets twice a week for half an hour  with the reader at a time and place convenient for both. Working as a pair allows them to go at exactly the right pace for the reader. There is no charge for the sessions or materials that are used.

On the other hand if you are interested in becoming a coach you will find much more information about Read Easy on our website  www.readeasy.org.uk including testimonials from readers and coaches  across the South West. The work is very rewarding for both coach and reader. After only 2 months one of our readers turned to her coach and with a look of joy said “I am not just sounding this out, I’m reading it aren’t I ?”

So there are two ways you can help an adult learn to read and Read Easy Bristol would love to hear from you if you are interested in becoming a coach or would like to put us in touch with someone who would like to improve their reading. Please contact Bristol@readeasy.org.uk or ring 07941 078332 we look forward to hearing from you.