The Big 7Tea Party

On Thursday 5th July 2018 the NHS turns 70 and we’re all invited to Southmead Hospital to celebrate by sharing stories, and tea and cake, in the atrium of the Brunel building. We are also invited to celebrate with tea parties at our own venues so do let The Mead know if you’re planning one so we can put it in our next issue.

Our community has a special relationship with the hospital because members of our families not only have a long history of working there, but have watched a it’s grown on our doorstep from a 64 bed workhouse to the 800 bed workhorse it is today.

The Foundation Stone for the Barton Regis Union Workhouse was laid in 1900. It then became a military hospital in the First World War, and in 1924 was named the ‘Southmead Infirmary’ as it began to expand across the tiny area next to it called Southmead. Later it became known as Southmead Hospital. The name was retained for the current brand new hospital after a public vote in
2013; ‘Southmead’ won over other titles such as ‘Bristol Brunel’.

There’s lots going on to celebrate the NHS in July – events will be listed in our What’s On pages. This special edition of The Mead wishes the NHS an up-coming Happy Birthday, but also reminds us that our links with our namesake hospital began well before 1948.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in wonderful memories and anecdotes this month, the Hospital would love to receive more so please dig deep for your gems to share.