Team Southmead Update

By Resident Deana Perry. Team Southmead met on the 15th August and this was the first official meeting with a Chair and Secretary. We had fourteen people attend although it felt like more.

We have decided that we will meet once a month on the last Tuesday and will host 3 morning meetings with the 4th being in the evening. In addition to this Team Southmead will organise events that will bring the community together (walking football with youngsters v older generation) and a ‘bring and share’ that will include everyone in Southmead getting together and tasting each other’s food but more importantly getting to know each other.

We also need to fund room hire/printing costs etc. so we are in the process of finding out what monies are available.

Team Southmead will host the Neighbourhood Forum but this will now be called ‘The Southmead Forum’. Posters will be printed and displayed around Southmead and a few of us will meet in a couple of weeks to plan the agenda.

Motorbikes are a hot topic right now but so is rubbish and fly-tipping and we have a lady from Bristol Waste that is coming along to the Forum to talk about what they do.

Our Volunteer Coordinator is leaving at the end of August so we talked about “filling the gap” until the end of December. This will be discussed at our next meeting.

We now have a Vice-Chair as Anthea volunteered to do this role when the Chair was absent.

Next meeting is on Tuesday 26th September 10.30am-12.00pm at the Greenway Centre in the Play Scheme Room (downstairs through the café)