Student campaigners put their ideas into action with Sharp Shotz project

Some of the most serious issues facing society are the focus of an exciting campaign project for Year 9s at Orchard School.

The entire year group has been working towards producing a professional campaign and film for the best teams.

The project – Sharp Shotz –  is a year long initiative run by the Bristol based charity – IDEAL, in partnership with the University of the West of England and the BBC.

This year the project will be engaging with the Mayor’s City Leadership Programme and UNESCO Bristol City of Film, who will be part of the judging on the finale day in July.

Members of Unique Voice, another familiar local charity, have been visiting the school to help students in day-long workshops.

The project asks students, in small groups, to come up with an idea for a campaign then research, create and deliver it.

It is also being run in parallel at City Academy in Bristol and as the year goes on, the strongest campaigns in each school will progress to the finals day.

In the summer, the best campaigns from each school will be produced, filmed then presented back to their peers in special assemblies.

The launch of Sharp Shotz saw students form small groups with the initial idea of identifying the theme and creating branding and a logo.

Orchard students have been exploring a diverse range of topics, from gang culture to funding in schools.

Orchard School partnerships Manager Helen Howard said: “It has been a real pleasure seeing the students begin with just a small idea then build on that, research the issue and think up ideas for the campaign.

“It is clear even in the early days that the standard will be high and competition to make the latter stages of the competition will be fierce.

“It has also been a good example of students working in collaboration with each other.”