Southmead Residents We Need You: Bristol’s Quality of Life survey 2020

To help us decide where and how money should be spent, Bristol residents from Southmead are invited to take part in Bristol’s latest Quality of Life survey. Your voice and opinions on what it is like living in Bristol, are vital in making sure we have fully represented the views of Bristol residents.

The survey was sent to a random sample of 33,000 Bristol households, but so far response rates have been low from residents living in Southmead.

The questions are designed to give a fully representative picture of life in Bristol, from the issues that are important in your neighbourhood, like crime and transport, housing and education, to the way your health and wellbeing is supported.

The survey is anonymous, though your age, sex and postcode is required to match results to different areas of the city. You must be at least 16 years old to take part, and responses are particularly welcome from people aged 16-24. You are welcome to skip any questions you don’t want to answer.

Your voice helps Bristol City Council decide where and how money should be spent – make sure you are heard. The survey closes on Sunday 19 October 2020.

Survey link here:

If you have any queries or require an alternative format email  or call: 0117 922 2704