Southmead in the Swim at Henleaze Lake

Our very own Social Prescribing Link Worker Will Shipp was on BBC Points West last night talking about the health benefits his participants have experienced by taking the plunge at Henleaze Lake.  The Lake has become an essential partner to help us introduce the mental health benefits of nature to our participants.  We also work closely with local walking and gardening groups.

BBC Journalist Tracey Miller joined Will and his group this week to film their swim as part of an inspirational news piece about Blue Prescriptions.  Blue Prescriptions is another nature based Social Prescribing project; piloted at nearby wetlands reserve Slimbridge it is being rolled out nationally by the Wetlands Wildlife Trust.

The WWT have been investigating further how nature can improve people’s sense of wellbeing; through their research they are beginning to understand more about the special role of water and wetland settings.

Will explained his participant Paul was in a dark place when he met him.  Paul described how swimming with the group “just makes you feel alive generally, which is something I’ve not felt for some time”.

Will is one of our expert team of Social Prescribing Link Workers who work with patients from our 17 partnership GP practices across North/West Bristol.  Link Workers support participants to find out what is important to them and to help them connect with activities to improve their mental health and wellbeing.  Link Workers support many different people from all backgrounds and recently we have expanded the team to include Children and Young People’s Link Workers.

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If you’d like to know more about the WWT’s Blue Prescriptions click here>