Southmead Forum: Have your say on Thurs 27th June

The Southmead Forum is now hosted by Team Southmead, and we have found a venue for the next Forum on Thursday 27th June.  From 6:30pm – 8:30pm we will be at The Ranch on Doncaster Road which is now run by Southmead Development Trust (they also run Greenway Centre and Southmead Youth Centre).

Our guest speaker is going to be Kate Hanks from Bristol Credit Union (not many Residents know about the Credit Union) and also we will have an update on The Ranch from its new custodians.

The foundation of Team Southmead is our Community Plan and therefore it would be great if Residents could come along to discuss problems/issues with our Police, Housing Officers, BS10 Parks and Planning Group and with each other.

This is a public meeting and in the past we have hosted them twice a year, one in March and one in September.  However, after last September’s meeting many residents told me that they were not willing to come out in the evening when it was dark, cold, windy and raining.  This is the reason that we have chosen the month of June as hopefully the evenings will be lighter and not so cold!  We can all live in hope!

Kind regards from Deana Perry, Secretary of Team Southmead

about Team Southmead