Southmead Creative Writers’ Group perform!

We have been to tea and cake with our neighbours at the Henbury and Brentry Community Centre.

We, members of Southmead Creative Writers’ Group, had gone to share work from our book – ‘A Way With Words’.  We had practised our delivery and timing to fit in with a busy and structured programme.  We were met with warmth and genuine interest.

But going to Henbury reminded me, communities do not just happen but are made by people pulling together.

So Jess if we are invited again, we will be there – with or without cake.

Kath Horseman

If you would like to come and join Southmead Creative Writers’ Group, you would be most welcome.  We meet every Tuesday, 10.30am-12pm at the Greenway Centre. For further details, please contact Kath Horseman on 0117 950 0587