Rainbow Room Retreat Day at the Greenway Centre on Saturday 3rd June

Pilipala Magic and The Rainbow Room invite you on a journey of relaxation, spiritual practises, and self-discovery during our retreat on Saturday 3rd June.  On offer we have:

  • Crystal healing workshop
  • Sound Bath
  • Guided Meditations
  • Introduction to energy work
  • The Map of consciousness
  • Many more relaxing 1:1 treatments available to book, including Reiki and Massage.

If you’re feeling called to invest in your health and well-being or looking to find a better way to deal with life, then this may be for you.  We’d love to see you there.

Price for day: £55

Venue: Greenway Centre, Southmead, Bristol, BS10 5PY

Time: 10:30am – 4:30pm

For more info or to book a ticket, contact Amy, tel: 07773 041 117