Playing With Fire!

By Crispin Shingler, Wicketz Bristol (Southmead)

“Stop Drop and Roll”, “Fire Fire Fire”, and “Call 999” were the phrases at the Southmead Wicketz sessions when the Avon Fire and Rescue Service attended last month.  Ben, Kurt, Genevieve and Phil surprised the children at the extent of services they offer as well as putting out fires and saving lives.  There some brilliant interactive discussions about the dangers of fire and what to do if a there was one.

Naturally prevention is better than cure and our visitors explained the importance of working smoke detectors on each floor of your home, and having a plan of how to evacuate it.  Some of the children knew their homes did not have an alarm on each floor or that there was no plan, so there were must have been some heavily quizzed parents that evening!

After the safety talk, the Service were put through their paces in a game of cricket where one of them wore their full fire safety uniform.  After the game, the kids were asked what they remembered about how to stay safe in the event of a fire, and the phrases of the sessions were clearly embedded in their minds.

Kurt Hunt said: “We really enjoyed engaging with the children at this session. It was great that we were able to achieve early intervention with these children and pass on skills and knowledge they will be able to continue to develop throughout their lives.”

Wicketz offers free cricket sessions for girls and boys aged 8 – 16.  For info contact Crispin on 07398 211 596 or email