Pen Park Pocket Park Is Go!

By Southmead Development Trust

We’re pleased to announce that the ‘Pen Park Pocket Park’, at the corner of Pen Park Road and Southmead Road, is to go ahead this week.  The mini-park will provide a space for residents and shoppers to pause, and a welcoming sight for visitors to the area.

The idea for the project came about a couple of years ago when we did some consultation, research, and design work in partnership with the University of the West of England’s Architecture Department; we looked at ways to improve the area in front of the shops.  We then successfully bid for some Government funding, and we’re happy to say that the planters will arrive on Thursday (8th February).  The team from UWE will then be back to organise the planting on Tuesday 13th February, between 3:30 pm and 4:30 pm.

Please come along to join in or lend a hand on Tuesday 13th, and if you’d like to volunteer to help look after the space we’d love to have you; we need more people to join the shopkeepers on the corner who have already kindly offered to help with the plants.

Please get in touch if you can help or if you have any queries: email or call 0117 950 3335