New Gardening Group!

Southmead Community Gardening Group: Friendly, active gardening group for local residents.

We’re always looking for new members to join our weekly gardening group – every Thursday, 1.30-3.30pm in the grounds of the Greenway Centre. Everyone is welcome, no gardening expertise is required and we don’t check to see if you have green fingers before you start!  We meet in Greenway Cafe.

We will all work together so don’t worry if you can’t always bend as well as you used to or don’t fancy wrestling with tough weeds, there is a job for everyone and we’re grateful for everybody’s help.

It’s increasingly recognised that gardening or being outdoors enjoying the garden makes us feel better and is a great opportunity to get some exercise. However, it can be difficult to get started in a large communal space, especially if you don’t know much about gardening. The aim of the group is to bring everyone together to improve the green spaces on their doorstep. Members will be given the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people.

The gardening group does all sorts of jobs such as growing vegetables, keeping the grounds tidy by weeding or raking up leaves, planting bulbs to bring some much needed colour in the spring or making bird feeders to attract wildlife. Members can decide what they want to grow and how we will work together to improve the gardens.

You don’t have to come every week, just drop in when you are able. Or if you aren’t free on Thursday afternoons but would like to do the odd job some other time please get in touch, there is plenty to do!

Southmead Development Trust helps organise the group, co-ordinate activities and provide support to volunteers who want to support the work of the group / improve the grounds. Amy Stone works for Growing Support, a local organisation specialising in social and therapeutic gardening groups and will facilitate each group session. Please get in touch with Amy Stone on 07410 379 704 or  if you would like to come along.