Love a Winter Litter Pick?

I think most of us agree that our parks, streets, and outside areas look and feel better when they are free of rubbish. That is what we hear from Southmead’s Community Climate Action Plan and Mencap’s My Community Bristol action group.  And that is why we thought it would be good to set up times for people to meet and litter pick together.

We will be having a litter pick on Tuesday 30th January 2024, 12 – 2 pm, meeting at Greenway Centre reception, all equipment provided. We will think about varying days and times so most people who want to can come along.

If you are not able to attend arranged litter picks but would still like to get involved, then we have litter picking equipment free to use. If you ask one of our friendly Front of House team here at Greenway, they can loan you picks and give you bags to use.

Any designated Bristol waste green bags which are filled can be left by a street bin or bus stop to be collected.

Maybe you have ten minutes spare during your lunch break, or you could fit it into your dog walk?

If you have any questions or would like to chat more about this, please contact me, email:, tel: 0117 950 3335.

Pic above, from left: my colleagues Sam, Amy, and me on a beautiful day at Greenway.