Lockleaze Refugee Celebration

By United Communities.

On Saturday 16th June United Communities supported the wider Bristol Refugee Festival with a celebration event at Lockleaze Sports Centre. Bristol Refugee Festival month was a huge success with many varied events taking place across the city.

Aletia Shaw, Visions and Values Officer at United Communities said, “It’s wonderful to see Lockleaze celebrating diversity and welcoming people from all walks of life. We are proud to have supported the first event of its kind in the area – thank you to everyone who contributed to something valuable that we hope will be built on year after year.”The day involved a craft table for children with poetry performances, dance workshops, a football tournament run by Bristol Rovers and a talk from the Bristol Hospitality Network. The key points from the day were that everyone has a right to a home, something that at United Communities housing association, we can fully support.

For more information about United Communities visit the website.