Local carers, Know Your Rights, says Carers Support Centre

Carers Rights Day (26 November) is a national event helping carers ‘know their rights’ and find out how to get the help and support they are entitled to.

With Covid-19 in circulation, the role of carers, who look after vulnerable people at home, has never been more crucial. Yet, while the challenges carers face have increased this year, their role remains largely invisible. Many do not know that they can get help.

Local charity, Carers Support Centre provides support, information and advice to carers of any age living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Tim Poole, Chief Executive of Carers Support Centre, says:

“Many carers don’t even see themselves as carers. They don’t ask for help and they are completely hidden from support services. The majority struggle alone and do not know that help is available to them.” 

Carers don’t choose to become carers, and many don’t even see themselves as carers. They are looking after a relative or friend behind closed doors and just getting on with it. But taking on a caring role can mean facing a life of poverty, isolation, frustration, ill health and depression.

But there is support for carers out there. Local carer, Kerry says:

“There are so many things that nobody tells you when you become a carer, which I wish I’d known. Nobody tells you that you can work and that you can get lots of financial help with benefits like the carers wellbeing grant. I had no idea that there were support groups I could join and I didn’t really know what respite was and that you could get help to take time off. I think lots of carers don’t realise they are going to be entitled to help and support because looking after your loved one is just a part of your everyday life.” 

Carers Support Centre is holding a free webinar for local carers on Carers Rights Day, Thursday 26th November 2020. Carers can attend a variety of workshops from the comfort of their own home. Workshops will include Carers Allowance, the hospital Carers Charter, and nutrition. Carers will also be able to take part in a movement and mindfulness workshop and a self-massage workshop.

If you or someone you know is a carer, don’t wait for a crisis. Find out what support you can get. Contact CarersLine: 0117 965 2200


To register for the event, visit our website:
