Let’s Talk About Death

Death is a part of life. It is something we will all experience on some level. Perhaps a family member or friend has died, perhaps a childhood pet, or we’ve experienced grief and loss in other forms. We are all going to die! This is universal.

And yet most of us feel like it is a very difficult subject to talk about. And we sometimes don’t know how to talk to others who have recently been bereaved.

In our modern society we are unequipped to know how to deal with grief, how to talk about death and dying, and how to support people who are going through it. We may never have thought or planned what our wishes may be when our time comes. It is still a subject matter that can be difficult, emotive, awkward, and be shrouded in stigma that is taboo or weird to discuss.

We want to change that and support each other to start having real conversations about death, so that we can live better.

The Death Café is a powerful way to start having these conversations and we have started hosting them here at the Greenway Centre. We offer a warm, welcoming space, where people are free to talk about anything to do with death and dying. Everyone is welcome.

After our last meeting, one person said, “I left that meeting feeling uplifted for the first time in ages.  In fact I had been feeling rather depressed and isolated prior to the meeting, but felt so much better afterwards.” 

Our next meetings are on Wednesday 2nd August, and Monday 11th September, 4:30 – 6pm.

For more info contact: Simone, email: simonedavis@southmead.org, tel: 0117 950 3335