Later Life Summer Fair, Saturday 14th July

Part of my job is funded by St Monica Trust to do community development projects with people over 50 across North Bristol. I have been fortunate enough to make some new links with other organisations in the area working with older people. 

Bristol Dementia Action Alliance (BDAA) hold Happy Days Memory Café on the first Friday of the month, 2pm-4pm at Westbury Baptist Church. I went along to introduce myself and see what goes on. I was treated to a seated exercise session, plenty of tea, cake, and good conversation.  It was clear that this was such an important resource for the people who attend, people with dementia, and their loved ones. Wouldn’t it be great to have something like this in Southmead?

There is a Later Life Summer Fair in Henleaze on the 14th of July, 1-4pm.  Alongside our Greenway Singers, who will be performing their fourth gig of the festival season, there will be Zumba, entertainment and activities, information stalls, tombola and, of course, tea and cake. There will also be competitions which you can prepare for in advance. For more information, if you would like to offer something, or volunteer, please contact Lisa, tel: 0117 435 0063.

As part of the Celebrating Age Festival in October there is going to be a talent contest at St Peter’s Church Hall in Henleaze.  I will have more information nearer the time but dust off your tap shoes, your harmonica or your magic set and get practising!  If you want to see what you may be up against, check out St Peter’s Café Create occasional open mike evenings.  Contact St Peter’s HERE for dates.

Do you have an idea for a group or event for older people?  I’d love to hear about it so do get in touch.

email:, tel: 0117 950 3335