Janine, Dawn & Alpha

This weekend the Southmead Community are remembering our very loved Janine, dearly missed for a year today, and our thoughts are with Dawn and the family. Along with everything else she gets up to, Dawn has been writing for The Mead; here’s her piece about the recent Alpha course at St Stephen’s.

This was a lovely, social way to find out about God. There was great food cooked by Glen, speakers to listen to, a short film to watch, and discussions with Tanya, Trev or Jess.  We had a very exciting night on 1st March as after a film, Bangers, Mash, and gorgeous Onion Gravy, there was a power-cut!  But we weren’t deterred! We lit twinkly tea-lights on the tables, which only made our eyes sparkle and made it even more fun. So, what love and harmony is shown at these meetings; it’s a great inspiration to have perseverance and endurance in life.

Thank you all for your support over the last year. God bless you all. Dawn.