If You Go Down to Trym Valley Today . . .

. . . be sure of a big surprise!  Tree planting has begun in the Trym Valley Open Space today. Already, one of our three areas of British Native Woodland has been planted up with rowan, hornbeam, oak, silver birch, wild cherry, crab apples, field maples and hazel trees. This first area is near to the hedgerow where the house sparrows live, by the Shetland Road entrance.  Three larger trees (two silver birch and an oak) have been given pride of place along the path.

Four more days of planting are planned over the next two weeks. Southmead Hospital have donated the riparian trees, such as willow, to go in by the river’s edge, which will complete the wilder half of the Valley. Across the road, between Trowbridge and Doncaster, more waterside trees will be planted, as well as the Community Orchard and Tiny Forest.

Whilst we can’t join in with planting (due to regulations) we will be holding community days to mulch and care for our new trees later in the spring. But do go and say hello to our newest Southmead residents as they find their roots and look for the sunshine this cold January, and give some thanks to our Bristol Council workers and volunteers who are braving the weather for us.

How to get in touch – email: sustainablesouthmead@gmail.com