Good On The 76!

Back in early spring I foolishly left my hand-bag on the 76 bus when I got off at Arnside Road. The bag contains all the usual – purse, debit cards, mobile phone etc. Luckily my house keys was in my pocket so I was able to get in!

An hour or so after phoning the bank to cancel cards, and phoning the bus company, I phoned my mobile number. A little while later the house phone went and it was a gentleman from the bus company at Bishopworth Depot to say they had my bag – intact! I was able to then arrange to pick it up.

I wasn’t able to find out who handed my bag to the bus driver, but as it was the 76 it could have been someone from Southmead or maybe Henbury. I just want to thank whoever it was for doing so. It was a great relief and it is so nice to know there are good people around.

Whoever you are, thank you once again.

From a grateful Meader