Flag Up Your Identity! Join us for Diaspora Events in Southmead

I’ve been working with Southmead resident Muna Talha to organise a community event as part of the Bristol & the South West Diaspora! Festival.

A diaspora is a group of people who moved away from their original homeland and made a new home somewhere else. Diasporas can span over many generations and include the descendants of the people who first moved.

Diaspora! is an arts festival for Bristol and the South West, presented by the Diverse Artists Network.  It’s taking place this year for the very first time, from 3-6 May, and will show and celebrate the wide variety of talent reflected in the region’s underrepresented cultural communities.

We are delighted to be part of the city-wide festival. It’s important that city-wide events include Southmead and the amazing communities here in the North.

On Thursday 18th April, from 10am to 12pm, there will be a Flag Up Your Identity workshop at the Greenway Centre.  But before that there is also one on Greenway Market day on Saturday 30th March, 1 – 3pm.  If you would like to hold a workshop for your community group please do get in touch.

On Saturday 4th May we will be holding an event at the Ranch (Southmead Adventure Playground).  This will be a family Friendly Diaspora event.  We’ll share more details nearer the time.

Meanwhile, do get in touch if you’d like any more info or would like to volunteer at events.  Contact Lucille, email: Lucillesmith@southmead.org, or call 0117 950 3335