Feel MPowered at our Menopause Group: Thursday 2nd November

In the year and a half since we started Mpower, our menopause support group, I definitely feel like I’ve become more empowered. I know a lot more and I feel less alone. Women come together each month, not just for a moan (although moaning is allowed if you need a moan!), but to support each other and share what is working for us as we navigate this transitional time in our life.

We have had a couple of expert visitors recently including a Bellyfit session and, in September, we started thinking about making our individual menopause plans with the lovely Saba James, a nutritionist and health coach.  Saba is back for our next session on Thursday 2nd November.

In December, we will have Marva from Shhh Menopause coming to talk to us. You may have seen her on the local news with Sheetal Jethwa from the radio, when she did a menopause talk at Sparks in town for World Menopause Day. For January’s group, on Thursday 11th, we welcome Sam Morgan from Rethink Menopause.

Peer support is so important, how would we have got through puberty without our mates?  It’s so good to meet regularly with people who understand what you are going through and we’re a really lovely bunch!  And we have now accumulated a good number of handouts and books you can borrow too.

If you would like to join us, we meet on the first Thursday of the month from 6-7.30pm at the Greenway Centre.

Come along to our next gathering, next Thursday 2nd November.

For more info contact Lucille, email: lucillesmith@southmead.org, telephone: 0117 950 3335