Creating New Space for Children & Young People at Greenway

We’re delighted to share the news that some long-awaited improvements will soon begin at the Greenway Centre including the creation of more spaces for children and young people, supported by a grant from the Youth Investment Fund.

You may be familiar with the rounded building at the Doncaster Road entrance. When the site was a school (Greenway Boys School, 1951–1984) this building was the school canteen.  Since the school closed, this building (pictured left ‘back in the day’) has seen many different uses with areas being rented out to small businesses, other charities, and groups. However, its consistent element is that it has been gradually falling into disrepair!

With new investment and the help of our young people, we have been planning to redesign the building with a new hub for children and young people – very apt for an old school building! The new spaces will complement The Ranch and the main Greenway building to host sessions, activities, and events. We’ve been working hard on the plans for this project for more than a year, getting the funding together and developing designs.  Young people in our community have been in the driving seat all the way on this and also on further improvements at The Ranch, and they will continue to be involved in decisions about the look and feel of both sites.

We’re delighted to have employed a new Project Manager and are proud to introduce you to Katy Newman-Miller (pictured right) who will manage all the works. Katy has a long history of project management in the construction sector and is happiest wearing a hard hat!  She says: “transforming buildings for the wider good of the community keeps me motivated”.

Within the plans Katy is managing are ideas to make use of the basement beneath the old canteen building and she is currently looking into budgets and timescales. As part of the project we’re also hoping to improve our car park at Greenway to make it easier to navigate.  You may see access changes to the site throughout the works, but we’ll keep you up to date as we go.

One of the first areas of improvement that visitors will notice is inside the main Greenway building, where we’ll be making changes to our reception area. Soon visitors will find a better Foyer layout, with clearer access to the popular Café Des Amis, Community Corner and Greenway Gym.

We’ll send you news of progress as we go.  Meanwhile, throughout the works, Greenway remains open and continues to be a Welcome Space for everyone, so do drop in for a cuppa and to find out about activities that you can take part in.

  • Click for our What’s On calendar HERE
  • View our fitness classes HERE
  • To become a Volunteer click HERE
  • For all info about the Southmead Development Trust and what we do click HERE
Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, Southmead, BS10 5PY. tel: 0117 950 3335, email: