Community Corner Welcomes New Group – Greenway Jigsaw Puzzlers!

During the lockdowns in the pandemic lots of people took up new hobbies and skills – baking, cocktail making, yoga, gardening, knitting, loo roll volleying . . . you name it, it happened!

Apparently, due to its calming effect, one of the most popular pastimes was doing jigsaw puzzles.  It was taken up as a way to relax amidst all the stress, or as a social activity with the loved ones you were locked in with; one person could work on a section of sky while the other built a tree!  And there are now so many beautiful designs around. 

Recently, in a conversation at the Greenway Centre, it became clear that many people would still like to enjoy making puzzles together – so the idea of a puzzle group was born.

Now every Friday, everyone is welcome at the Greenway Jigsaw Puzzlers.  We meet at 2pm in Greenway Community Corner for an hour of contented concentration in good company!

Puzzles, puzzle boards and hot drinks are all provided. We have a good chat and a laugh over a variety of different puzzles, and if you have a favourite puzzle feel free to bring it along with you.

Alongside the group we’ll be creating a puzzle swap, a bit like our book swap, so there’s constant flow of new scenes to create. 

We are also looking for a volunteer to facilitate the group so if you’re interested do get in touch and ask for me, Alex – I’m the Volunteer Coordinator at the Southmead Development Trust at Greenway Centre.

Telephone: 0117 950 3335 or email:

Click HERE for our What’s On calendar to see all sorts of other activities we’d love you to join in with.