Carboot Heaven

The alarm clock shrills its racket. Is it already six ‘o’clock?
Haul myself from my bed. Dress. Dam, where’s my other sock?
Today that elusive bargain, I hope to discover, don’t you know
For I dream of appearing on ‘Flog It’ that well known TV show.
It’s out there somewhere, waiting to be eventually found
Perhaps I’ll sell it on ebay. No really, it only cost a pound!
Arriving now, I see vendors unpacking heavy, bursting cases,
Buyers standing in queues. Why it’s just like Wacky Races.
Swarming round, traders are appearing in great force
Seeking bargains, to make a few quid. That’s life of course!
Tardy arrivals pounce on sellers, as they frantically arrive
Engulfed by bargain hunters, just like bees around a hive.
All manner of goods are now on view, anything that you could wish,
Piles of teddies, toys and games. Why there’s even a singing fish.
Gaudy ceramics, dusty dull brass, piles of new and used books’
Old cosmetics, unwanted postcards, rusting tools, utensils for cooks.
Pirate videos, birthday cards, PC games and fake designer labels,
Bookends, broken picture frames and unwanted 60’s coffee tables.
Collectors, for you, some Sylvac, Beswick, even some Wade,
Royal Doulton, Poole and Denby. What price have you paid?
There’s Monopoly, Cleudo, Scrabble, Ludo and Buckaroo,
Lots of glasses and over there, why it’s puppets, Sooty and Soo.
Homemade goodies. Pastries, cakes and sweet almond paste.
Home preserves, some honey. No good for my expanding waist.

I stop at a stall, ‘How much please are that pair of trendy Kickers?
‘Three quid love. A bargain and I’ll throw in these sexy knickers!’
AA batteries, lightbulbs, lighters, sunglasses, kitchen and toilet rolls
Pet food, tobacco, wish you were here ornaments porcelain dolls.
‘Here you are pet. A great little number. The colour is really you’
‘You’re having a laugh’ I reply, ‘It’s a size ten and I’m a twenty two!’
Vinyl’s and CDs on this pitch, all scattered, all thrown around,
There’s a great variety here and my joy knows no bounds.
The Tremolos, The Kinks, Cliff Richards, REM, Oasis, Pulp and Blur,
The Beatles, Kylie and there’s one of my favourites Sonny and Cher.
The king smiles sweetly at me for over Elvis I once did swoon,
The Stones, the Jam, Prince and more. Oh what a great boon.
There’s crooner Frankie Lane. You’ll remember him of course
That real old classic that he sang. Champion the Wonder Horse!
I stand remembering and all this music recalls my long lost teens,
Herman’s Hermits, Manfred Mann, Mark Winters ‘Venus in Blue Jeans.
I haggle and purchase several items; my heart feels happy and light
Great music. It will soothe my soul. I will play them all tonight.
Well the car boot is nearly over, why there’s a clock with an attractive face,
Is it my bargain find? Oh no! ‘Made in Taiwan’ is printed on the base.
Tired but happy now, my bags now bursting with bargains galore,
Spent out, brassic but you can bet, I’ll be back next week for more!