Be part of a Bigger Story at Southmead Library in 2020 (Wednesdays)

Here’s a great way to start the New Year: a new story every week. Shared Reading brings people together to read, listen and talk about stories and poems. More than 500 groups meet across the UK, with dozens in Bristol, and now there’s a vibrant group running at Southmead Library. Recently we’ve have looked at stories about marriage, Christmas and even trips to the pub!  Shared Reading isn’t about how much you know about books or literature – it’s a chance to read and listen.

Group members offered these thoughts about what Shared Reading does for them:

“Reading out loud gave me the confidence to read in front of people, it is great meeting everyone and reading short stories.”

“Better than a book club. No homework! We read a passage chosen by the leader and discuss, often a very lively discussion!”

“It’s good for my well-being it’s good to talk and laugh”.

“I thoroughly enjoy it, why not come and join us!”

All the groups are free and are drop-in, with no pressure to read out loud, and new people are always given a warm welcome. Trained volunteers run the groups and choose what the group reads. In Bristol, shared reading groups are run in association with Bristol Libraries and funded by Bristol Ageing Better.

If you would like to try it out, drop-in to Southmead Library on Wednesdays, 2:00pm-3.30pm, or find out about other groups near you from