Christmas Appeal for Donations of New Toys for Local Children

With many people finding Christmas difficult once again this year, firefighters from around Avon Fire & Rescue Service want to make a difference for families in their local areas. The toy collection scheme, which is entering its fourth year of running, has seen over one hundred toys donated by members of the public and AF&RS staff.

Staff at Southmead Fire Station said:

We’re delighted, once again, to be organising a toy collection this Christmas.

Including the effects of the current Cost of Living Crisis, we recognise it’s been a difficult year for many, and we’re determined to do what we can do to support our local community. We hope that we can make a difference to those children and families that need it most this Christmas.

As we did last year, we’ll be asking colleagues and members of the community to donate new toys which we will organise, wrap, and label, before passing them on.”

You can donate a toy at any time to Southmead, Bath, Weston-super-Mare, or Bedminster Fire Stations and they’ll be distributed to local families.

Where can I donate?

Southmead, Bedminster, Bath or Weston-super-Mare Fire Stations.

What can I donate?

New toys for children of all ages. 

When can I donate?

You can donate to the above stations at any time.