‘A big thank you’

Dear The Mead…

I have a gorgeous (I am biased) young son Isaac who is 11 and goes to Badocks wood school. Isaac has epilepsy, Asperger’s and mobility issues so he sometimes needs a wheelchair for longer journeys.

Isaac decided to audition for the school play and got a part which surprised us as he had never shown interest in acting.

After taking part in the play he saw an advert for children to audition at the Hippodrome for Bugsy Malone last summer. This was his second ever audition and lots of children from Bristol, Bath and the surrounding areas. He amazed us by getting a main part – he played Pickett. He was offered a chance to act in London’s west end and to stay at the Guildhall for a week.

I am a single mum carer and did not think I would be able to raise the money for his accommodation.

Some lovely Southmead people have kindly helped me out and paid towards this.

Could you please say a big thank you for me. I won’t name them they know who they are.

He is very excited and counting the days until he goes.

  • Jayne

That’s lovely, Jayne. Thank you so much for sharing with us. There are some big-hearted people in Southmead!