Covid-19 has interfered with all our plans. Work, education, social life, holidays. It feels every time we make a plan the restrictions change and so do our plans.
Throughout all of this our parks and green spaces have kept us sane. Walking the dogs, going for bike rides, splashing in puddles with the kids – never have we so appreciated the green spots in our own estate as this year.
One of these green spaces, the Trym Valley, is due for some love and attention this year, with brand new plans to provide shade on the path, protect the riverbank, decrease flooding, and increase the number of birds, insects and mammals living there. All of these aims, and many more, will be met by the simple act of planting trees.
A wide mix of British native trees are to be introduced along the river-banks and around the meadows, along with a new community orchard and Bristol’s first Tiny Forest complete with outdoor classroom.
Trees are best planted in winter, and with the announcement of January’s lockdown it looked like we would miss our chance until next year. However, Bristol City Council Parks, One Tree per Child, and EarthWatch, are pulling out all the stops to make sure that our trees can be planted as planned at the end of January and beginning of February.
Unfortunately, the regulations mean the community volunteers and schools won’t be able to come along for the planting. Instead, tree maintenance and mulching days will be planned later in spring so we can all have a chance to take part in the transformation.
In the meanwhile, volunteers are litter-picking the area (and elsewhere in Southmead) regularly, in order to help improve the environment. If you would like to join the team keeping the Trym valley clean then we can lend you litter-pickers and sacks to use during your daily exercise.
Covid19 stops many things from happening. Our green spaces serve to remind us that trees still grow, rivers flow, and life continues, regardless of restrictions.
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