There’s Still Time To Have Your Say! Take Part In Our Community Surveys

Have you seen my colleague Lucille and I on Arnside? Has one of us appeared at your community group meeting? Did you see our community surveys in the last edition of The Mead?

We’ve been out in (mostly!) good weather chatting to people on the doorstep and the street, in community venues, and at community meetings. We’ve been asking what we like (and don’t like) about Southmead, what we’d like to see more of, and finding out what our community’s priorities are. Lucille, our Community Development Manager here at Southmead Development Trust, does this each year. This means that when we are thinking about new groups and projects we know we’re on the right track.

For me, I’m hoping to find out ideas to put together Southmead’s very own Climate Action Plan. This is an important action plan to put together. As Bristol makes decisions to create a more environmentally friendly city it’s vital that Southmead’s voices get heard. We think that taking action for nature and climate should be fair and inclusive so people’s current situations aren’t made worse. Lots of solutions for the climate are great solutions for challenges we are facing such as the cost of energy and food. With this plan we will join 11 other Bristol communities who have co-produced plans with residents.

We’ve heard some cool ideas and important priorities so far. Repair cafes, community owned solar, activities for people with learning disabilities, community pantry – it’s been great to hear your ideas. And there is still time to fill out our surveys. Just click the links below to take part – they only take 5 mins. 

Climate Action Plan:

Southmead Yearly Update: 

You can also leave us a message on 0117 950 3335, or send us an email on or if you’d like to share more thoughts.