Join the Writer’s Group in Southmead – we all have stories to tell, we all have dreams. Come and explore them together in a friendly and welcoming environment. Meeting every Tuesday at the Greenway Centre Café 10.30 am – 12.30 pm. Contact Kath Horseman – 0117 950 0587.
‘The Sense of Smell’ by Pam Fowler
Oh, the smells that are all around us
Sometimes bringing us pleasure
And occasionally bringing us pain.
The perfume from the flowers
After a shower of rain
The sweet fragrance of wallflowers
My Mother’s favourite, and mine too.
In the summer on an evening
I sit in my garden and drink in,
The scent of lilies and sweet peas,
The ‘special’ plants planted in May
To mark the passing of my husband and son
So many years now the garden is overflowing
I light a citronella candle to keep the bugs at bay
Another useful aroma that will keep them away
The smell of a baby newly bathed,
The smell of the sea carried on the breeze,
And the reek of fish and chips devoured with ease
On that first seaside trip when winter has ceased.
Without our sense of smell where would we be?
The smell of smoke can alert us to danger
The ‘pong’ of burnt toast that will always linger
But the smell of roast dinner cooking
Bread being baked, the aroma of coffee.
The beautiful smells far outweigh the bad
Such simple pleasures make my heart glad.
I had never written poetry before, until I joined the Creative Writer’s Group. With the help and advice I have had from Kath this has been my third attempt, I believe I am making good progress. ~ Pam
So do we Pam! Thank you for sending this to The Mead.