Southmead’s Climate Action Plan Launches This Month – Thursday 25th April at Sparks

After a year of engagement, conversations, crafts, and looking at the results I’m pleased to say that Southmead’s Climate Action Plan launches on April 25th.

Everyone is welcome to come along to the launch event which is free to attend on Thursday 25th April, 2 – 4pm at Sparks Bristol, BS1 3DS. We will be launching our plan alongside two other communities, Bedminster and Brislington. Hillfields and Knowle West are launching theirs a bit later in June. If you’d like to come along and hear what more about the community climate action taking place across Bristol then do sign up using this link: 

I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Community Climate Action Plan over the last nine months. It aims to highlight priorities and actions are important to our community.  Some of these will be taken forward by our many active and dedicated community groups, including Southmead Development Trust, and help to amplify our voices when the city is making decisions for a planet and people friendly Bristol. Actions range from those we can all do at home and at work through to big, systemic change which we are asking of those in power, and aim to improve quality of life for all. With collective hope and aspiration, we want to meet the big, intimidating issues facing our community head on, generating real change, and building resilience.

I’d like to stress that this is just the start of conversations around climate and nature work in Southmead. This sort of work is most effective when it’s community led so we will make sure that the community continues to be involved, shapes and makes the plan a reality. 

If you’d like to read more about how the plan came about, do click HERE.