We’re now gathering items for the paper edition covering December and January. It will wend its way around the community during the first week in December, so please make sure any messages and notices you would like residents and workers to read are sent to us by Friday 3rd November.
You can add your own items to the digital feed, and we can take them for the magazine from there. Or you can email your item to us: themead@southmead.org
If you’d like to know what the magazine looks like you can read the back issues as they’re laid out, just click on the front cover on the right of the home page at www.themead.org.
You need to send an image with your item. If you’re sending a photo please send it unedited and not resized, otherwise it loses its quality. We can edit it when we use it in the edition.
If you need support to write your item or help to type it up, then do get in touch with our wonderful Community Development Team, email: lucillesmith@southmead.org
So what will you send us? A story, a poem, a review, an update? Or do you have an event you’d like to advertise. If you’re an organisation please see our space rates on the website and contact us.
Did you know The Mead magazine is distributed to pick up points in Southmead and goes like hot cakes! Places like the Southmead Library, Greenway Centre, Southmead Community Centre, and GP surgeries, are all spots where you can grab your copy. Editions are delivered to all sheltered accommodation areas, plus, go into around 500 school book bags for kids to take home to their families.
Please keep your items coming and do give us any feedback about the editions – it’s important to keep on improving.
Keeeeeep Meading!