Parent/Carer Session – Handling Teen Emotions: Wednesday 16th October

We have somehow arrived at October! If you are like me, then September went by in a blur.  After craving the routine of back to school, clubs, and activities, rather than being in an organised rhythm I have been overwhelmed by the to do list!

At Link Forward, the children and young people’s wellbeing service, we recognise the challenges this season places on parents and want to offer a helpful space for advice and, well frankly, just catching your breath!

Once a month we run Parent and Carer support sessions where we invite professionals in to talk around a theme that parents and carers have identified as something helpful to have more info about.

Next Wednesday, that theme is ‘Helping your Teens regulate their emotions’ which is always a hot topic.  Dawn Edwards, from North Star, will be leading us in discussion and supportive ideas to get us through.  Also, our Fitness & Wellbeing Coach David will show us techniques to help us take care of ourselves as we navigate teenage territory.  It will not be a work-out and is definitely optional, but just a way to remind us we must take care of ourselves too.

So far, the feedback for our sessions has been overwhelmingly positive with people saying that just space to share and to not feel alone is hugely helpful.

Do come along next Wednesday 16th October, 9:45 – 10:45 AM, at Greenway Centre, bs10.  There will be hot drinks and some light refreshments to keep us going and we would love to welcome you!

The sessions are free but please sign up so we know numbers HERE.

If you need help to register for the session please get in touch, email:, or call: 0117 950 3335