Back in late summer 2022 there were news reports of an energy and cost of living crisis which would drastically affect people over the coming winter. We asked our Neighbours Connect Southmead participants about what might be helpful through the winter months. They said affordable food, a place to socialise and somewhere to keep cosy.
We decided to trial Monday Lunch Club from the beginning of December 2022 until March 2023. The lunch club runs fortnightly. Initially Neighbours Connect Southmead participants were invited and could help plan what activities they might like to do. Since then we’ve also had referrals from our in-house Link Workers and Mentors. Every other Monday we have 7-10 people gather together to enjoy a hearty ‘winter warmer’ bowl with dessert for only £2.50, from the brilliant Café Des Amis here at the Greenway Centre. After lunch we play a game or do an activity which is always a good laugh. So far we’ve tried singing, bingo, quizzes and wreath making at Christmas. It’s been a wonderful way to spend time together. Ideas for activities are always welcome!
If anyone has struggled to get here on their own, we have supported them to sign up to The Big Lemon, a new dial-a-ride transport company.
We hope to continue the lunch club after our trial ends in March.
If you are interested in joining us please contact me, email: or tel: 0117 950 3335
For transport info from The Big Lemon tel: 0117 244 7337