The regeneration of Glencoyne Square is currently moving at a fast pace and, while this is exciting for many of us, we want to know who the new homes will be for.
In Bristol, social and affordable housing allocation is dictated by HomeChoice Bristol who use their own tiered system to prioritise who they feel is in most need of social housing. Band 1 is the highest priority under HomeChoice and some of Band 1’s criteria includes foster carers, transfer from acute overcrowding and urgent medical need.
However, it’s recognised that this system doesn’t always respond to specific local circumstances, such as here in Southmead. In response to this, Southmead Development Trust is preparing a Local Lettings Policy to work alongside the HomeChoice Bristol scheme. The Local Lettings Policy for Glencoyne Square will be designed to address the issues specific to our Southmead, and led by our residents the community is exploring which groups of people should be a priority for new homes in Southmead. These groups include:
· Existing residents of Southmead so they can stay in community
· Key workers such as staff from Southmead Hospital and Community Support Officers
· Southmead Residents who are in homes no longer suitable for their needs
· Younger Southmead Residents who want to stay in the community
· People with a connection to Southmead such as their family or place of work
· Vulnerable individuals at risk of homelessness or domestic violence
· People living with a disability who may require adapted accommodation
The aspiration is for the Local Letting Policy to cover 100% of the homes on the scheme, and conversation with Bristol City Council is already underway to put this into place.