Update from Inclusion Southmead

It’s been a busy month for Inclusion Southmead as we continue our efforts to bring Disabled and non-Disabled residents together.


As well as working with Bristol sports organisations to get more inclusive activities for Southmead residents, we have had an article in the Bristol Cable about our campaign for access to the McColls shop and post office at Arnside. After the latest plans from McColls’ for a ramp and accessible entrance were withdrawn, as they were not as agreed, we have been working with Lucy Empson, from the Arnside regeneration team. We hope to have good news soon about plans that will better for everyone. 


We have also been working with the Council on improving access to Doncaster Road Park. Currently, the entrances are not accessible for Disabled and older wheelchair and scooter users. This has meant some residents are excluded from using the park, and from joining family members in the play area. After discussion, our group proposed that council funding for the area should be used to open up two of the park entrances. This was agreed in September, and we have been reviewing designs that included a removable barrier, if needed. With the support of Councillors Brenda Massey, Helen Godwin and Nic Ferris from the Neighbourhoods Team we have spoken to residents living near the park. Everyone we have talked to so far agrees with idea, and we hope that works will start next year. There are also lots of ideas about getting more residents to use the park.


To find out more, or to get involved, please join us at our next meeting:

Tues 13th November from 11.15am to 1.15pm at Southmead Library.