At the Southmead Children’s Centre we were excited to host a fun family event on the 28th of June, to celebrate the launch of the Bristol Family Hubs and Start for Life programme.
This new national initiative will provide a ‘one-stop shop’ offering a wide range of information and support to all families, from conception through to age 19, or up to age 25 for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Bristol is one of 75 local authorities selected by the government to set up the new Hubs, and will receive £4.8 million in funding.
There was an amazing turnout at the June event, and we loved seeing people we know well, and welcoming new families. Activities ranged from a sensory baby area and painting to giant bubbles and balloon modelling.
We also hosted local agencies, who set up stalls to share information about what support they provide and how to access their services, such as Link Forward, the children’s social prescribing service at the Southmead Development Trust (Vicky, below top right).
Southmead is one of three new Hubs across Bristol aiming to provide information and help on anything family related, all in one easy to access place. This will include community activities, help with baby feeding, emotional wellbeing, physical and mental health, early years and education, parenting support, housing and debt advice, youth activities and domestic abuse support, as well as services run by charities.
The other Hubs are in Hartcliffe Children’s Centre and at the Wellspring Settlement in Barton Hill. They will also include wider, wraparound services that can make a huge difference to people who need extra support, such as advice on getting into work, relationship building and stop smoking services.
For further info do get in touch, tel: 07778 441 845.