Public realm improvements are continuing at Arnside Road shopping area and Greystoke Avenue. These are led by Bristol City Council and started in January 2021. They are expected to last until Winter 2021. This is part of the Arnside & Glencoyne Square Regeneration Project.
BCC public realm works: The HIF funded public realm improvement works are 4 phases:
Phase 1 – Greystoke Ave parking. Works completed and in use.
Phase 2 – Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) pods on the surrounding roads. Now built and planted.
Phase 3 – Arnside public realm improvements.
Phase 4 – Greenspace improvements
Phase 2 – Sustainable Drainage (SuDs) pods:
The 8 pods are to help reduce flooding in the area and downstream. They are in Wigton Cres, Lowther Road, Dunmail Road and Ravenglass Cres have been planted by the BCC Parks team. The spring flowering bulbs will be planted in Autumn.
Phase 3 – Arnside public realm:
· The southern section of Arnside Road (between the Greystoke Ave signals and Aldi entrance) is closed to traffic to ensure the construction works are carried out safely for this phase of works. This is likely to be closed until end of June.
· The junction at the signals near Tesco will be resurfaced at nightime when the road will be closed. This is planned to take place on the 17th and 18th June, look out for the notices for this.
· The traffic signals on the pedestrian crossing on the service road was causing congestion and conflict between drivers. This has been relocated to the connecting road opposite the Pegasus where it is creating less issues.
· Footway works are almost completed on the south side of Greystoke Ave junction. A few more bollards will be installed to stop people parking on the footway by Tesco.
· Footway works have started in front of the shops on the eastern service road (the road leading to the Pegasus Pub) where a number of utility diversions are needed.
· Stone benches along Arnside. We are in the process of appointing an artist to work up the designs of the agreed text /images for the 8 circles that will be set into the benches. This is with the words and images from the community. One of these artworks ‘circles’ will feature David Prowse.
Phase 4 – Green space improvements
Due to Covid-19 we are planning to talk to local people about Doncaster Road Park and the Greystoke Avenue greenspace (the green strip near to Arnside) this summer 2021 when restrictions should have eased. Southmead Development Trust are carrying out the Bristol Future Parks survey about parks and greenspaces in Southmead. Green space improvements and planting works will take place winter 2021/22.