Dear Southmead Residents: Look Out for a Postcard from the Trust!

Amongst the Christmas cards and parcels that may come through the door, please look out for a colourful postcard from us here at Southmead Development Trust (picture below).  We need to ask you a very important question – how could we improve our homes and streets in Southmead to make them more energy efficient and affordable?  We also invite you to share what you know and have experienced about living in your home, your energy use, and living in the neighbourhood, in a short questionnaire.

Your answers will be like gifts for our Transforming Energy Together team as we really need your help to create schemes and projects to benefit everyone in Southmead. We would love you to share this question with your friends, family and neighbours on your local WhatsApp groups, or let people know while you are out and about chatting, so we can reach as many people as possible. 

You will be entered for a prize draw to win a £50 shopping voucher for completing the questions, and also, if you would like to visit us for a longer chat with one of our team we will be offering a £10 shopping voucher for your time.  If you would like help to fill in the questionnaire then we can do that with you in person, just let us know (contact details are below).

You do not have to wait for your postcard, you can complete the questionnaire and be entered for the prize draw by clicking HERE.

There will be lots of ways to get involved over the next year so do please keep a look out for events and opportunities. In the meantime, if you have any questions then please contact me:

Ella, Climate and Nature Action Coordinator, tel: 0117 950 3335 or email: 

For residents with solar panels, two postcards will be posted through your door, an extra one to ask you about your more specific solar experiences.