The Wizard of Oz Comes to Southmead on Saturday 3rd July 2021

We were so disappointed to have to cancel Southmead’s last annual Christmas panto at the Greenway Centre (oh yes we were!).

But we’re delighted to announce that a performance of The Wizard of Oz will take place next month (oh yes we are!).

Tickets are available now for the show which is part-live and part-film due to social distancing safety measures.

Friends and family will be seated in bubbles in accordance with Covid-safety guidance and the latest rules will be followed to keep everyone as safe as possible.

The new cafe at the Greenway Centre – Cafe Des Amis @Southmead will be open for refreshments.

Book your tickets at Greenway Reception, call in or 📞 0117 950 3335.

Date: Saturday 3rd July

Show times are: 10:00am, 11:30am and 1:30pm

Ticket prices are: £3.50 for adults 16+, £2.50 for under 16s, and its free for under 2s.

Everyone welcome!